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Writing Groups

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and happy Friday everyone!

Today’s post is likely to be another short one due to my possibly having bitten off more than I could chew for January. However, what I want to talk about today is just as important as everything else and needs to be mentioned regardless of the time crunch I’ve imposed on myself.

I’ve previously mentioned a certain misconception about writers. That not every writer is an introvert hissing at the very notion of socializing and that most writers interact with folks on a regular basis in some sort of way. I happen to personally fall into the category of writer that is extremely introverted and even I enjoy interacting with others at least once a week.

Did you know that C.S Lewis and JRR Tolkien were in the same writing group? Even those who have penned great works had people they could turn towards to share their ideas in confidence.

Can you see where I’m heading to today? Sure that was an awful transition but I’m sure you can see where this is going.

The experience of a writing group is something I’ve recently found myself exploring. What started as a simply joining of a region during NaNoWriMo has turned into a group of fellow writers that helped me to reach my goal of 50,000 and are some of the most encouraging and supportive people I’ve ever met. I never thought myself the type who would work well in a group of other writers, I have terrible self confidence, horrible social anxiety, and just an overall terrible tendency of comparing myself to others. I’ve never been more happy to be wrong.

What I’ve learned over the last few months is that a writing group is once place where you should feel comfortable being yourself and sharing your work with others. Some writing groups gather to simply discuss whatever it is they’re working on at the time while others get together to write their hearts out. The group I’m a part of is a mixture of both, once a week we get together on a zoom meeting and together we discuss what we’re working on then jump into writing for an hour or two. It’s because of my writing group that I was able to have an 8,000 words day which set me on course to win NaNoWriMo. It was because of my writing group that I was able to find my writing groove again after losing it during December.

I have the awful feeling that this is coming across as me simply bragging about the writing group I’m a part of. I in no way want it to appear that way. All I want is to share with you the possibilities that a writing group could have for you. I have heard horror stories of some writing groups but I think it’s a matter of trial and error and merely finding the one that suits you best.

I honestly hope that you give some consideration to what I’ve said today. Being a part of a writing group isn’t a requirement for being a great writer, but it can certainly help you out along the way. You could always give it a try and if it isn’t for you then at least you know for sure instead of sitting around wondering. You never know what could happen.

Until next week!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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