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To Plot or To Pants

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and happy Friday everyone!

The plotting .vs. pantsing debate is one that has been going on for quite some time. It’s unfortunate but both sides have a tendency to believe that their way is the correct and only way. There are those who will talk themselves blue trying to convert someone to their way by convincing the other that the reason that way hasn’t worked for them is because they haven’t found the right way yet, then you have those who are rather condescending to the other side, and just like with anything else you finally have those who understand that no two people write the same way.

I happily stand with those who believe that no one writes the same way and that so long as you have found something that works for you that’s all that matters. That’s why I’m writing this post today, to enforce the fact that there is no right or wrong way to go about writing your book.

In case you aren’t quite sure what a plotter or pantser is or if you aren’t sure which you fall under then allow me to explain some things. A Plotter is someone who plots out their story, depending on the person that plotting can be anywhere from main plot points all the way to every intricate detail that may make its way into the novel. A Pantser is someone who, for lack of better words, free writes their story.

Of course there are combinations of these who writing ways. There are Plotsers, these are people who are Plotters who aren’t afraid to deviate from their outlines and allow the story to take them wherever it may go, within reason of course. Then there are Plantsers, these are Pantsers who usually have at least the main plot points of their story thought out so that they can stay on track better without feeling held down by an outline.

Whichever path of writing you decide to travel down, just make sure it’s the right one for you. Don’t worry about the drama surrounding Plotters .vs. Pantsers when figuring out what works best for you. Also, don’t walk away from this thinking that plotters and pantsers can’t get along and that it’s some ridiculous device in the writing community. Both of my critique partners are pantsers who sometimes dip a toe into plantsers while I am a plotter borderline plottser and I have a great writing relationship with both of them.

Everyone is different, which is why books are so different and that’s what makes this journey so much fun.

Until next week!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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