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Some Fresh Goals

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Hello and a very happy Friday everyone! 

Owing to the fact that I was quite busy last week preparing for a trip there wasn’t a post last week BUT I’m back this week and with me comes a new set of monthly goals. 

March was more productive than February but not quite as productive as I would have liked. With April now on the move it’s time for some fresh goals and I’m determined to make this the most productive month of the year thus far. 

Just a little refresher, the goals for March were….


Remodel new website  ☑

    Get Reaper to 50k  ☒

    Outline secret WIP ☑

    Read four books ☑

    Do four crafts ☑

    Exercise for an hour a day ☑

    Add four new recipes to my cookbook ☑

    Paint my office ☒

I also managed to get the guest room cleaned up for the most part and believe me, that was quite the accomplishment. 

Now onto this month’s goals! 

Spring Quarter (March - May)

April Goals

Write 30k

This month I’m participating in Camp NaNoWriMo,  during last November I learned that trying to make it to 50k isn’t good for my health therefore I am aiming to reach 30k this month. My original plan was to begin working on my secret WIP I keep mentioning but after further thought I’ve decided to stick with Reaper. I’m a little behind on my word count because of that trip I mentioned earlier but I don’t think I should have any trouble catching up and reaching my goal. 

Re-Outline Reaper

As luck would have it, not only am I behind on my word count but as I started working I came to realize that my outline needs some editing. I can’t see this taking more than a few days but it’s still a few days lost to progressing the story and unfortunately it’s necessary. 

Read four books

Back in December my NOOK decided that it had finally had enough of me and decided to just die. Since then I’ve been reading audiobooks but when my mother heard that my NOOK was no more she so lovingly gave me hers. This being the case I am more excited than most most months to get some reading done. 

Add four new recipes to my cookbook 

This is one of my favorite thing to do every month just because I love trying new recipes and seeing my husband’s face when he realizes he likes something he’s never had before. 

Do two crafts 

Because of Camp NaNoWriMo I’ll only be doing two crafts this month. Of course there’s nothing wrong with that, plus it’s almost time for a trip back to the craft store. 

Exercise an hour a day 

I absolutely dread these daily hours but at least it’s effective so at least there’s some motivation to keep be going. 

Paint my office 

I am determined to complete this goal this month. This has been on my goal list since January and I’m ready for it to be completed at long last. A couple of weekends ago I acquired a new desk and desk chair so what better to go with the new furniture than a new coat of paint to my office? Here’s to hoping this actually gets completed this month. 

A short goal list this month but goals to strive towards nonetheless. The last few months have been coming up short so hopefully by the end of the month I can report back that all goals have been met. Well nothing’s going to get done by sitting around. Until next week! 

~*~ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ~*~


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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