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April Monthly Goals

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and a very happy Friday to you all!

Hey everyone I managed to be on time this month!

March was something else altogether. At times I felt on top of the world while at other times I hit some rough moments. It was a very up and down kind of month but I managed to make it through in one piece, even managed to get some personal stuff figured out.

It’s time to bid March ado so that we may kick off April. As a little refresher, here are the goals from last month.

Re-Write chapters 1-3 of Reaper 💚

I actually enjoyed doing this a lot more than I thought I would. Not to mention I personally feel like it really improved on the story and therefore I will be converting Reaper to first person entirely.

Write chapters 15-17 of The Queen’s Guard ♥️

For the life of me I could not find the motivation to work on this story. I know everything that needs to happen, I’m even excited for it all but the words just weren’t working with me. I had a lot going on through March so I’m pretty sure that’s what held me back so I’m rather confident I can get to work on finally finishing up this story during April.

Write chapters 1-3 of Written in the Stars 💚

Words cannot express how excited I am for this book/series. I have fallen head over heels for everything about this story and I can’t wait to keep working on it. My writing buddy and I have even figured out a lot of exciting stuff to come in the future.

Outline the first act of Lullaby 💚

I’m so excited to be at a point where I can finally start working out the details of this story. I’ve definitely had to think some things through with the flow but all-in-all things are going well in the outlining department.

Outline the first act of The King’s Court 💚

I thought figuring this story out was going to be A LOT harder. When I first got the idea for The Queen’s Guard it was meant to be a stand alone that suddenly gave way to two sequels (three if you count the one I’m still debating on). I had a general idea for what needed to happen in this books but when I sat down to work out my main plot points, the ideas just started flowing. I’m so excited for the time when I can finally getting working on this story.

Read two books ♥️

Clearly i jinxed myself last month when I stated that this was the one goal i have managed to consecutively win at. Unfortunately with March pulling me in every direction I wasn’t able to get any reading done. It didn’t help much that I think I burnt myself out on reading because of January and February. I’m very busy until about July (more about that in a bit) so I’m not sure when I’ll be picking up a book again but I’m hopeful for May and June because of a couple books I’m eagerly awaiting. We’ll just have to wait and see how things go.

Prep Fics ♥️

I was really hoping to get some work done on this during March but a lack of motivation was felt on more than one front. I did have another request come in towards the end of the month so hopefully that will be the kick in the ass I need.

Do 2 crafts 💚

I’m happy to say that I did manage to accomplish this goal. I painted a couple of wooden roses which sparked the idea for a larger craft. I also have a HUGE project to work on over the next couple months but there will be more on that below. Point is, I’m a lot happier now that I’ve started crafting again.

Do Furious Fiction 💚

I of course managed to get this goal completed. I’ve come to think of my contest entries as my monthly kick start into getting to work. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Work on Secret Project #1 💚

Another goal I am happy to say that I have completed. I really like where things are going with this goal so far. If I want to make my deadline by summer I do have to pick up the pace but things are going well so far.

Work on Secret Project #2 ♥️

This goal ties in with a specific project I have and since some things have changed concerning that, this goal had to be placed temporarily on pause. I hope to visit this goal in the near future but for the time being I have other things I need to focus on.

Even if there were quite a bit more read hearts this go round, I still think I faired pretty well all things considered. I have the distinct feeling that “I’m determined to make this month better than last” has become something of my life motto. With that said, I’m determined to make this month better than the last! I’ve got some great things lined up for April so let’s get to it!

Spring Quarter (March - May)

April Goals

Write chapters 15-17 of The Queen’s Guard

I am determined to make it through these three chapters. Once I manage that, I’m sure the rest of the story will fall right into place.

Write chapter 4-6 of Written in the Stars

As I said earlier, I’m so excited to keep working on this story. I am loving this book so much that the story is all but consuming. I haven’t had an idea I’ve loved this much in a while so it’s very refreshing.

Outline the second act of Lullaby

This won’t be as easy as the first act simply because I have a lot more I need to figure out. Either way I am greatly looking forward to tackling this.

Outline the second act of The King’s Court

Unlike with Lullaby I know what needs to happen and when in this act. I’m also excited for this act because there are quire a bit of exciting moments I get to figure out and I’m really eager to figure them out.

Start Organizing Storage Room

This task is....well I’m certainly not looking forward to it. However it is a necessary evil for two of my sisters are coming to visit at the end of May and are staying until the middle of June. The first spare room is good to go but the second is in need of some serious TLC so throughout April and May I will be working on getting it in the best shape possible for whichever my sisters sleeps in there. Fun times.

Paint Mural

This is the huge project I mentioned earlier. This was an idea brought on by my husband so I don’t get to claim this one. For the record, my husband was trying to help me regain touch with my creativity and told me to pain a wall. It took me all of a half hour to figure out what I was going to do and now it’s just a matter of practicing and getting it done before my sister’s come to visit.

The second project is one that’s going to take a few trips to the store in order to gather the supplies needed but it’s a surprise for my mother.

Prep fics

I need to get that new request taken care of. With it I hope to knock out four chapters of the story I’m working on. All in due time though.

Work on Secret Goal

I’m really happy with how this goal is coming along and I’m eager to keep the momentum going. It’s quite a bit of work but it’s oh so worth it in the end.

As you can see I’m biting off just as much this month as I did last month. The difference this time around is that I’ll also be taking care of things in the name of Camp NaNoWriMo. I’m really excited for everything coming this month and I’m hoping I’ll finally have some good vibes come my way so that I’m able to accomplish everything between April and May.

Until next month!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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