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March Monthly Goals

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and a very happy Saturday to you all!

I’m sorry for this coming out so late. There was a scheduling mishap and I only just now realized the mistake.

Welcome to the first month of the spring quarter! Spring is the season of rebirth, creativity, and hopefully some good vibes.

I’m going to be honest, February was a complete nightmare for me. I struggled to find motivation for much of anything and because of that my goals suffered a lot. It would be easier to just brush off this portion of the post but I try my hardest to be consistent. So without further ado here are my goals for February although the usual explanations are missing.

Edit chapters 8-14 of Reaper ♥️

Restructure The Queen’s Guard ♥️

Outline Lullaby ♥️

Outline The King’s Court ♥️

Start drafting Written In The Stars 💚

Read two books 💚

Prep fics 💚

Exercise 3 times a week ♥️

Add 2 new recipes to my cookbook ♥️

Participate in Furious Fiction 💚

Perhaps my cousin had a point when he said I tend to overload myself. I spent the better part of February reworking a plan for the rest of the year that would allow me to break out of this rut I suddenly find myself in. Therefore I may still have a long list of goals for March but they are much easier to tackle. So lets get right into it shall we?

Spring Quarter (March - May)

March Goals

Re-Write chapters 1-3 of Reaper

My own mind held me back a great deal from editing during February because I couldn’t get the idea of a POV change out of my mind. So I am begrudgingly putting Reaper’s edits on hold in favor of rewriting a few chapters from first person to see which way suits the story better.

Write chapters 15-17 of The Queen’s Guard

I know I never got around to re-structuring this story but after closer inspection I now believe things are good the way they are and whatever things I don’t agree with can be fixed during editing. I have nine chapters to go until this story is finished. Even though I would love to be able to write half if not all of those chapters this month I’m aiming for at least three chapters.

Write chapters 1-3 of Written in the Stars

Three chapters per book a month seems to be the steady sweet spot without pushing myself to a breaking point. I’ve started the bare minimum of drafting for this story so I’m super excited to really jump into it.

Outline the first act of Lullaby

As I said before, a lot of my goals this month are more bite sized to help keep my mind on track. This will put off drafting until the summer quarter but I think I will come off better for it.

Outline the first act of The King’s Court

This story is suffering from the same thing as Lullaby. Both of these are stories I’m determined to put out there but for my own sake I have to dial it back a bit. The way things are going right now, summer is shaping up to be a very busy quarter and with some luck I’ll be back to feeling like myself by then.

Read two books

Thus far this year, this is the one goal I have managed to consistently succeed in. My total thus far is twenty-one books with a large majority of that count being taken up by The Coven series by Chandelle LaVaun. As I have now finished all but two of the books (books I’m purposely leaving until June when the next book comes out) my numbers won’t be as high each month but a steady two is really all I need. This month I want to read OverRuled by Brittney Joy and A Mark of Kings by Bryce O’Connor.

Prep Fics

In a time when refilling my creative well is so important I really need to keep this goal going. I won’t start posting any of these until later in the year but it’s so much fun to have the story unfolding before me. I am thinking of expanding back into some other fics as well but we’ll just have to wait and see how that goes.

Do 2 crafts

Another thing I learned during February is that I need to start incorporating crafting back into my life in order to keep my creative well in a healthy place. During February I painted butterflies for my little sister to match the ones I have hung in my office and it helped me more than I can really say. I don’t know what I’ll work on this month but there’s something for me to paint around here.

Do Furious Fiction

I seriously love doing these contests. I never thought I would enjoy putting myself out there like this but I think it’s actually good for me. The next contest is this weekend and I’m curious to find out what’s expected from this months’ entry.

Work on Secret Project #1

This is not the secret project I had back in January. It’s something completely new but equally as exciting. Unlike with the goal back in January I am free to share at least a little with all of you. This goal centers around my platform and doing more to make it into what I want it to be instead of something that is just there. I have a lot of exciting ideas to go with this and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with all of you.

Work on Secret Project #2

Back in January I had a very exciting opportunity presented to me that I was waiting to get more information on. In the middle of February, as I was trying to fight my way out of the pit I had fallen into, I finally received a reply. It is now my goal to prepare as much as possible for this new secret project.

And there you have it. I know it seems like a hell of a lot of goals to try and make it through, especially after the month I had in February. Hopefully everything is broken into small enough parts that it won’t be overwhelming.

There is one last announcement I would like to make before we all run off. I am taking a hiatus from my blog during the spring quarter with the exception being monthly goals. I know it sounds strange to take a hiatus from my blog but not from the rest of my writing but I need to do a little more focusing on me right now and so I will be seeing you all once a month until summer kicks off. I do hope you understand. Here’s to making this month better than the last!

Until next week!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿

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