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June Monthly Goals

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and a very happy Friday to you all!

Long time no see my dearies. It’s good to finally be back.

I apologize for my extended absence, I was disconnected from life all through the spring quarter which kept me away from just about everything I enjoy. It hasn’t been easy but I’m working on trying to get back to myself. I want to thank all of you for sticking with me though and bearing with the delay.

I think it goes without saying but, all my spring goals were pretty much a failure. It’s a new quarter now though and I plan on making the best of it.

That being said, let’s jump right into this month’s goals shall we?

Summer Quarter (June - August)

June Goals

Write 10,000 words

I’ve made some recent changes to my writing concerning monthly word goals and even what I’m working on. I’ll be talking more about this as July’s Camp NaNoWriMo grows closer. For now I’ll at least tell you all that I’ve finally found a writing process that actually works for me.

Exercise an hour a day

Earlier this month I decided to buy an elliptical. I’m visually impaired so I don’t get out often without my husband so this decision was made to help me start building a better lifestyle that will help both my mental and physical health. I’m really excited for this but unfortunately the one I want is currently sold out so I’m stuck with “Just Dance 2017”for now.

I’m aiming for exercising two hours a day but I’m not trying to place any unnecessary pressure on myself so the goal is to work out at least an hour a day.

Start Site Edits

I think we can all agree that this site is in need of a makeover. Nothing major, just some updates.

The home page could use a face lift and I’m back to working on the blog page. While the Reaper page is one of my main focuses during this. I would also like to begin laying the foundation on a page for my current WIP, something I’m aiming to have completed by the end of September.

Read a book

During the spring quarter I lost touch with a lot of things, this includes reading. Normally my goal is to read four books a month but I’ll be happy if I finish at least one. To help in motivating me to read again I’ll be doing a book review every third Thursday each month.

Set up an outdoor area for my garden

One hobby I did pick up on while all my others slipped away was gardening. In my family I’m notorious for being unable to grow even the simplest thing but when the quarantine hit I decided to try my hand at it. To my surprise I’ve had amazing results in my simple little starter garden. The downside to this is that my garden is currently taking up a fair portion of my countertop so it’s about time it’s moved outside.

Do a craft

Yet another thing I’ve slacked on lately but I recently bought some new supplies (my family’s visit back in December left me short on paint) so I can start getting back to it.

Add two new recipes to my cookbook

Now that ingredients are in easier access I can start picking back up with my cooking.

If there’s something you would like to see me cook then please feel free to leave a comment.

That about covers it for this month. Depending on your perspective this can all seem like a lot or not enough. Over the past month, May, I did a lot of thinking and time management so I think my goals this month are just enough but I guess we’ll know by the end of the month whether this new plan of mine will work or not.

Until next week!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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