Hello and a very happy Friday to you all!!
I hope that you all are well and that May brought you many of flowers. Having the tendency to fail at Herbology, my plants often die but I have an African Violet and Ivy plant that are both thriving. Mingled with everything I accomplished over the last month I’m confident in saying that May was a very successful month.
I know it’s been a good while since I’ve posted and the reason for that is that I needed to focus on a few things. Re-outlining and editing, working on new material for the Reaper page, and a little something else that I’m still mulling over demanded my time throughout the month so I went on a brief hiatus.
Thankfully I have all but one duck put into place thus I return just in time for June and the beginning of summer. A new month is upon us, as well as a new quarter. I’m feeling great so it’s time to kick summer off and get to work!
Right, just as a recap the monthly goals for May were….
Continue Re-Outlining ☑
Secret Goal ☑
Do two crafts ☑
Read four books ☑
Add four recipes ☑
Exercise an hour a day ☑
Organize my kitchen island ☑
Organize photos ☒
And now to start of a new quarter we have June’s monthly goals!
Summer Quarter (June - August)
June Goals
Write 20,000 words
Now that re-outlining and editing is done, I am finally able to get back to work. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to write with the intention of progressing instead of just editing and I can’t wait.
Continue working on the Reaper page
I wasn’t able to complete everything I wanted to for the Reaper page through May and because of that the page is still closed but hopefully it’ll be back up towards the end of June.
Do two crafts
At the moment my focus seems to be on doing felt pictures but I’m thinking of buying a hot glue gun so that way I can do even more with my birdhouses and other wooden things. I don’t have any interest in painting right now but I’ve gotten my hands on some new felt pictures so I’ll just stick to coloring those until I’m able to get my hands on a hot glue gun. Art is art regardless.
Read four books
I don’t really have a set book list for this month though I am planning on re-reading The Savior’s Champion by Jenna Moreci. There are some books I have my sights on but I’m not sure if I’ll be getting them just yet.
Add four recipes
I just got my hands on a recipe for Chicken Pot Pie that I’m dying to try but other than that I don’t know what new recipes I’ll be trying out in June. Any recommendations would be great.
Exercise an hour a day
This has actually become an enjoyable part of my routine now that I’ve started Tai Chi.
Organize photos
I really want to get this accomplished before summer hits full swing. My family is coming to visit in July, not to mention the Fourth of July is approaching, and other summer events. I know there is going to be a lot of photos being taken and the last thing I need is even more to go though.
Annnnd there you have it. June is going to be just as busy as May now that I’m back to getting work done and all the prepping I need to do for when my family arrives in the beginning of July but it’s all going to be worth it in the end. It’s rather amusing, I don’t normally look forward to summer this much because I’m just not a fan of the heat but this year there is just so much going on that I can’t help but to get pumped up.
Well that’s all for this week. There’s some house work to be done and then it’s back to work. I wish you all a wonderful and productive week!
~*~ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ~*~