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July Monthly Goals

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and happy Friday to you all!

June was definitely the right month to get back into the swing of things. On a personal level so much good things happened that I can only hope July turns out as well. That being said we have officially made it to July!

While I’m currently on my way to visit family I decided to use this eight hour journey to its fullest and go over my monthly goals with you all. Of course we can’t talk about this month’s goals without first going over last month’s goals.

Just as a refresher June’s goals were...

Write 10,000 words 💚

It took a little while to get back into the flow of things but towards the middle of the month I managed to hit this mark. Unfortunately I’m still 10,000 behind where I wanted to be by this point but that’s okay.

Exercise an hour a day 💚

I may not have exercised everyday but I definitely think I’m beginning to form a habit so I call that a win.

Start Site Edits 💚

This is another thing that was slow starting but I feel like I’m really making progress on updating things.

Read a book 💚

I finally got around to reading the second installment in the Howl’s Moving Castle world “Castle In The Air” by Diana Wynne Jones.

Set up an outdoor area for my garden 💚

My year and a half old dog actually helped with this by digging a convenient hole right where I was planning on putting my garden. I am currently searching for a barrier effective enough to keep that same pupper from digging in my garden.

Do a craft 💚

I debated whether to work on a birdhouse or a secret something inspired by my WIP but I went with a nice summer themed birdhouse.

Add two new recipes to my cookbook 💚

I now have chicken tika masala curry and raviolis added to my cookbook. I’m back on the hunt for some fresh recipes to try next.

As you can tell June was fairly busy but it felt nice to be productive again. I did manage to get something else done as well, a little something I’ve been trying to accomplish for two years. I have finally reached the goal of painting my office! There will be a delightful reveal of this once I have all the site edits in order and put them into action.

Moving on to the good stuff we now have July’s goals!

Summer Quarter (June - August)

July Goals

Write 30,000 Words

I am once again participating in Camp NaNoWriMo. I contemplated having a smaller goal but 30,000 just felt right for what I’m trying to accomplish this year. As I mentioned above I’m currently on my way to visit family but I made sure to get three thousand words written ahead of time so I could keep on track while still enjoying myself. This is the biggest goal I’ve tried to tackle since February but I’m confident I can keep on it.

Read A Book

I’ve recently bought a few new books and I’ve discovered a library app as well so there are an endless amount of options ahead of me. Because of this I haven’t decided which book I’m going to be reading this month but I’m in the mood for some fantasy.

Do A Craft

This month I’ll be working on something inspired by my WIP and I’m really excited for it.

Add Two New Recipes To My Cookbook

As always I’m eager to find and try new recipes. My husband and I are currently on a diet so that opens the door to even more foods we wouldn’t have thought to try before.

As always, if you have any recipes to share I would love to see them.

Exercise An Hour A Day

I’ve been doing good with keeping up with this goal, exercising is still torture though. Of course as I’ll be seeing my family for the next three days I know my siblings will keep me busy as a bee so I won’t have to worry about exercising.

Continue Site Edits

There’s still so much work to be done but my site has been around for almost two years and it’s in need of a facelift. I’m also busy making preparations for the page of my current WIP so that’s exciting. I’m hoping to make everything so live in September so that I have all summer to get things done. All this work is well worth it.

And there you have it. My goals are once again contained to a short list with plenty to bite off. I’m really excited for July and I really hope it goes as well as June did.

Well everyone my vacation is officially starting here so I’ll catch you all next week!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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