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Imposter Syndrome

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and welcome back on this lovely February Friday!

Today I’d like to talk about something many writers have to battle with at some point. Whether just starting out on this journey or with a few books under your belt imposter syndrome is something that too many of us have to deal with and not enough people talk about.

For the past year I’ve been struggling with some pretty bad imposter syndrome. I was too busy trying to fit into the mold of the Writing Community that it made my anxiety horrible whenever it came to thinking about my platform or even my own work. But no more. I was tired of trying to fit into the mold of what I thought a person who is a part of the writing community is supposed to look like and decided to finally be myself.

It can be hard when you’re surrounded by so many talented people to remember just how brightly you shine. This is made especially difficult when you see everyone else succeeding while you’re still fighting to finish even your first draft. It was in December, my month away from writing, that I discovered that shine for myself. I also came to realize something so simple that we often overlook. Everyone is different. Not everyone started this journey at the same time, and not everyone writes at the same pace either, not to mention that life plays such a huge role in all of this. We’re too busy admiring the light emanating from others that we forget we have a shine of our own.

Imposter Syndrome is something that sneaks up on you, often times you don’t even realize it’s there because it only rears its ugly head when you’re at your lowest point. We spend so much time supporting one another that it also gives room for doubt leaving you wondering why you even bothered taking the first step down the path of being a writer. If this is how you’re feeling, I want you to know that you’re not alone and that you shine as brightly as any star in the sky.

Unfortunately the only way to overcome imposter syndrome is to realize how brightly you shine and for some that can be extremely difficult. As long as you never give up on yourself one day you will realize how bright you really are.

Imposter Syndrome it’s just something that takes time to work through. You belong in the Writing Community just as much as anyone else.

A lot of fun things are going to be coming from my platform now that I’m finally getting the hang of things. One of the biggest changes is that I have plans to revive my YouTube channel this summer. Over there I’ll have more than just writing advice to share though the majority of writing information will be found here on the blog. Ever since I made these choices things seem to be falling into place. My plan is to make 2020 my year and I can’t wait to get started!

Until next week!

~*~ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ~*~


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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