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How To Use Filler Spaces

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and a happy Friday to you all!

It’s recently come to my attention just how effective using a place holder can be. Not sure what a filler space is? It’s something really simple and a true gem while trying to tackle that first draft.

A filler space is useful when you don’t know a particular detail about the story or if you don’t know how to go about a certain scene. Best of all it will keep you from breaking that glorious flow of a writing session.

One example for a filler space is....

“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.” Mr. [Teacher] said.

....This is good for when you haven’t quite figured out all the names in your WIP or if a name escapes you.

Another example of a filler space is....


....Certainly not the most detailed but when you’ve hit that flow while writing and come across something that might hold you up it’s very useful and something you can easily return to later once you’ve given it more thought.

Filler spaces are effective because they help you to keep the story moving while also giving you a clear thought of what you need to work on. They also release a lot of the pressure and anxiety that comes with putting yourself on the spot. Lastly it’s especially helpful if your writing time is very limited and you’re trying to cover as much ground as you possibly can in what time you have.

Ever since I started using filler spaces my writing flow has improved more than I thought it would have. If you’re open to it then feel free to give it a try. I hope you’ve found this at least a bit helpful.

Until next week!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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