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February Monthly Goals

Hello and happy Friday everyone!

2020 seems to be flying by, it’s already February! Welcome to a new month everyone and you know what that means! It’s time to go over some fresh, not really, monthly goals!

Let us first start by going over last month’s goals but how about we save some time and I just tell you that I didn’t accomplish anything with the exception of finding four new recipients to add to my cookbook.

Finish Reaper 💔

Read four books 💔

Add four recipes 💚

Film four videos 💔

January left me feeling all over the place and thus I decided to postpone all monthly goals until February. With that said let us move on to this month’s goals.

Winter Quarter (December - February)

February Goals

Finish Reaper

I’m partaking in a February version of NaNoWriMo with some others over on Twitter. The only exception is that instead of aiming for 50k I’ll only need roughly 35k until my book is finished. An exciting and surreal feeling comes with the thought of finally finishing Reaper but we’ll just see how this goes.

Read seven books

I did manage to read one book last month and though I was happy to have accomplished that but I’m looking forward to catching up on my reading goals.

Add four recipes

As per usual, this is the goal I am most looking forward to as I simply love cooking and I’m always eager to learn new recipes.

Film four videos

My plan is to have my YouTube channel back up and going in March so this is a goal I really need to stick to.

It’s the last month of the quarter and though my goals don’t seem like much they’re just another mountain to overcome. It’s shaping up to be another busy month and we’re already a week through. As per the norm, time to get back to work!

Until next week!

Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day!


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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