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December Monthly Goals

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and welcome back on this wonderful Friday!

The never ending month of November is behind us at last. Last month changed so much, not only for me personally but in the grander scheme as well. It is with wide arms that I now welcome December and all it brings. After all, who isn’t ready for this year to be other?

Before we jump into this month’s goals we first must cover last month’s goals. November’s goals were...

Write 40,000 words 💚

I am very thrilled to announce that not only did I complete this goal but for the first time ever I finally reached 50,000 words! Editing for Reaper has gone well and I even managed to write about half my newest book The Queen’s Guard so needless to say I’m over the moon right now.

Read 2 books 💚

I did have a few rough days throughout the month and on those days I took the opportunity to get some reading done (and maybe a BIT of video gaming). I’m super excited for Indiecember this year but there will be more on that in another post.

Exercise 3 times a week ♥️

Regretfully I have no other choice but to mark this goal as a fail. I was doing very well with this goal, especially since my husband got me a fit cycle for Christmas and let me have it early. BUT on Friday the 13th I was finally able to get my second tattoo, a snake anklet. I had to wait for the tattoo to heal before I could do any working out but wouldn’t you know it, the damn thing went and got infected so healing has taken a little longer than expected thus putting off exercising.

Two out of three isn’t bad odds, if this was rock, paper, scissors I would have won. Gotta look on the bright side, right? Now with last month’s goals out of the way, we are free to cover this month’s goals and I am quite looking forward to it just as I do each December.

Oh yeah, that remind me. We have officially kissed Autumn a sweet goodbye and now welcome the Winter months. It’s time to kick off a new quarter everyone!

Winter Quarter (December - February)

December Goals

Participate in Indiecember

Once again, there will be more information on this in another post. I was intending to write a book review each week in honor of Indiecember but then I realized I’m dreadful at writing book reviews so instead there will be a book tag of some sort each Friday. Celebrating a month of writing with a month of reading, oh what a life.

Make 1 Year Plan for 2021

I don’t exactly have the attention span for a five year plan but there’s nothing wrong with planning out what I want to accomplish next year. Especially when I have at least three books I want to get working on while also finally starting on the publishing process.

Make Fanfiction Plans

Fanfiction is my escape from the strict form of my original work and helps refill my creative well. I have about four stories I want to get working on and a bunch of fics cooking up in the creativity cauldron.

Exercise 3 times a week

With my tattoo fully healed up, I can finally get back to working out which is great since Thanksgiving did me in and Christmas is fast approaching.

Upload Remaining 2020 Photos

There hasn’t been much to celebrate this year but I’ve made sure to capture every moment that was worth saving. There aren’t many photos left to upload since I took care of a majority of it right after the Fourth of July but there’s still work to be done.

Enjoy Christmas

Last year things didn’t exactly go as planned so this year it’s all about enjoying every moment and I’m not going to let anything get in the way of that. It’s on the goal list for the simple fact of reminding myself to breathe and enjoy those moment instead of allowing myself to get caught up with every little thing. Plus there’s still plenty of decorating to be done.

There you have it folks! As you can see I plan on keeping busy this month, what else is new, but everything on the list is fun and relaxing aside from maybe exercising. Now it’s time to get started with knocking everything out before the end of the year.

Until next week my lovelies!

📚 Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day 📚


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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