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August Monthly Goals

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and a most wonderful Friday to you all~!!

July has brought its ups and downs. Now that another month has passed us it’s time for some new monthly goals. But of course new goals cannot be announced without first covering the old ones.

Write 30,000 Words 🧡

Unfortunately life did its thing and I ended up altering my goal to 25,000 then altered it again to whatever I managed to write. This means I did not reach 30,000 like I wanted to. As disappointed as I am for not reaching 30k, I can’t consider this goal a complete loss because I still made it to 5k which brought my WIP up to 20,000.

Read A Book 💚

I have recently started the Vampire Academy series, another series strongly urged by My Wendy. I have also read the ninth and tenth books in the Shadow Demons saga, easily two of my favorite reads of the summer.

Do A Craft 💚

I ended up doing a lot more crafts during July than I had intended. I painted two wooden birdcage silhouettes, a wooden cut out of “create”, and last but not least, seven butterflies. It was all in the name of decorating my office. Unfortunately my focus during August is going to be my word count and site edits so I won’t have much time for crafting this month.

Add Two New Recipes To My Cookbook ❤️

Unfortunately I did fail this goal for the first time. So much has been going on that I’ve been falling back on my old recipes.

Exercise An Hour A Day 🧡

Another goal I cannot consider a complete loss. The elliptical I want still isn’t in stock so it’s really put a rain cloud over my weight loss goal. About halfway through the month I had to sit down and figure out a new plan. I didn’t exercise for about the first fifteen days (well I guess fourteen days since I did go to the lake while visiting family) but for the rest of the month I did exercise even if it wasn’t for an hour.

So as you can see, July’s goals were very here and there. I’m hoping to get back on track with August. Speaking of August, it’s time to go over this month’s goals

Summer Quarter (June - August)

August Goals

Write 30,000 words

I know likely expecting a lot from myself when it comes to this goal, but at the very least it’s 1,000 words a day and I’m hopeful that’s something I can manage. Because I didn’t accomplish near as many words as I was hoping to during July, I need to up my word goal August and September in order to finish on time.

Continue site edits

The majority of edits are still happening but I’ve decided to hold off on sharing the pirate page until I 1) have it finished and 2) have a title for it.

Upload current 2020 photos

I have six months of photos to get uploaded and though there aren’t as many as there usually are, I don’t exactly wait to wait until the end of the year to upload everything again.

Clear out old photos

My photo app is currently clogged with unnecessary photos that I’m determined to clear out in order to make some much needed space.

Finish decorating my office

I’m SO close to finally having my office completed. There’s only one wall left to decorate and I’m also hoping to get some kind of organizer for my desk and and iPad stand. I’m so excited to finally have my space completed.

Read a book

The plan is to finish the first Vampire Academy book this month between everything else I want to accomplish.

Continue making my Indiecember TBR

I know Indiecember is still a while away but I plan on being as prepared as possible this year in order to actually “win” this year. The first step in that just so happens to be building an indie TBR.

Complete requests

For those of you who don’t know, I have a Wattpad that is completely dedicated to fanfiction. That being the case, I do take requests for a variety of fandoms and at the current I have some requests I’ve been backed up on since March that I’m determined to get through. I won’t be sharing a link as I prefer to keep my identity a secret over there.

Get a library card

There’s a certain amount of amusement that comes with a visually impaired person wanting a library card. Despite the fact that I might be a masochist that isn’t motivation behind this goal. I’ve recently come across an app called Libby filled with ebooks and audiobooks but in order to finish the sign up and enjoy the app you would need a library card. Unfortunately for me it’s been about ten years since I’ve been in a library and the libraries around me aren’t exactly open at the moment but I’m hoping August will bring fair fortune.

Continue with my island

A lot of people don’t know this, but I freaking LOVE Animal Crossing. I have fallen completely in love with Animal Crossing New Horizons and I keep making edits to my island trying to make it the best it can be. I’m currently in the middle of some big projects for my island that I’m excited for. My husband also bought me the LEGO Harry Potter bundle on Xbox so I’ve been jumping between the two games.

This is less of a goal and more of a reminder to allow myself to breathe and take some time for myself this month.

Annnnd there you have it. No one can ever say that I don’t keep busy.

This is the last month of the summer quarter. I might be a little biased when I say that I can’t wait to kiss summer goodbye and jump headfirst into autumn.

Until next week my lovelies!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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