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Taking A Breather

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and a very happy Friday to you!!

Remember back in September when I reminded everyone to take time for themselves this month? Well I decided to do just that this week and it felt great.

Something I’ve always tried to encourage people to do is to take care of themselves. Both physical and mental health are extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately it’s something far too often overlooked in our busy lives which only leads to higher stress levels, the feeling of being overworked, or of failure and other, sometimes more serious, things.

I am by no means trying to tell you how to live your life. My only goal is to encourage you to remember to take care of yourself.

This time of year can be extremely stressful, not only because of writerly things like NaNoWriMo or pressure to accomplish New Year’s Resolutions but it’s also that time of year where the holidays begin to close in and sometimes the feeling it leaves you with isn’t a good one, I know it’s certainly that way for me. Last NaNoWriMo I had to drop out the last week because I hit a wall and that wall took a firm hold of my mental state and wouldn’t let go. For weeks after that I felt like a complete failure and had to take myself out of the game for a while to regather myself. I learned a lot from that experience and this year not only am I determined to keep myself off that path but I also want to help others keep away from it as well.

Learn from my mistake. Last year I was the poster child for what every writer fears about NaNoWriMo. I just about lived off of junk food, ramen, and caffeine, I hardly slept, and from the moment I woke to whenever I went to sleep I was writing. At the time I thought it was all alright because I was working hard on my book but I know now that it was anything but and I ended up paying the price for it.

So I urge you to take care of yourself. Junk food is alright but try to substitute in healthy options as well, make sure to get a good amount of sleep, caffeine is usually a must but maybe a little less? And most importantly, take breaks.

Just because you take a break doesn't mean you stop working. Think of a break as some hands on experience. Try getting outside, soak in some Vitamin D and while you do that pay attention to the world around you. Try to implement it all into your writing, the sounds, the feelings, the smells, all of it. Getting out and enjoying yourself a little can also help generate new ideas or scenes. Taking a break doesn’t always have to mean stopping your work, it can always be taking your work on the road but you have to give yourself some time from your workspace to clear your head and recharge a bit.

This week I worked a little less than I had planned to but listening to your body is important and my body just needed a breather. I intend to have everything prepped and ready to go with a few days to spare that way I can use those days to recharge before NaNoWriMo kicks off. I’ve mentioned before that I live my life on a schedule of sorts and taking breaks is no different so even if you’re the type who needs to schedule in breaks or days off give it to yourself.

This weekend is all about having fun and getting out of the house. I’m taking Saturday off but I still plan to work Sunday and Monday even though we have things planned. My husband and I are going to the Renaissance Fair on Saturday. This is an annual trip of ours but this time I want to use it for some good vibes and a little more knife throwing experience to better understand my MC. For the record I fail at knife throwing and much prefer archery, unfortunately my MC uses knives. Sunday we’re trying to decide where to go to the state fair or if my husband wants to go hunting. Then Monday we’re taking our puppy hiking, this will give me the chance to take some photos for setting inspiration and maybe we’ll even be able to fit in a little picnic. It’s nice to enjoy some time away from everything and spend some time with my family, or even some time to myself just to recharge. I let writing consume my life last year so this year I’m taking steps to avoid making the same mistakes.

On the other hand, try to keep in mind that there is a difference between a break or day off and simple procrastination but only you know your style. It’s just something to keep in mind.

Boiling it all into one bite sized sentence is this. Keep yourself in mind even when it’s easier to push yourself aside. Writing is important but you are important as well.

That’s all for this week. I apologize if things came off a bit rambly but I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I did and my only wish is to help. It’s back to work now, after all next week is the last week before NaNoWriMo.

~*~ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ~*~


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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