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Characters Tell

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hey there everyone!

Each week along with an update on the progress of Reaper there will also be a post containing some bonus material. I originally came up with this plan back in May so I’ll be spending the month of October playing a bit of catch up.

This post (coming all the way from May) will be centered around the hashtag game Characters Tell over on Twitter ( This particular hashtag game is told from the perspective of the characters so this should be fun.

Let’s go ahead and jump right in!

Week One

Told from the perspective of the main character.

Day One: May 1st

Welcome again! Introduce yourself, your author, and your book, please!

?: Hello, my name is Sarine Rivermount I have the “honor” of being the heroine in this nightmare my sadistic author calls a story.

Me: Well now, that’s not very nice.

Sarine: Don’t expect me to apologize when you’ve put me through hell.

Day Two: May 2nd

Yesterday was worker’s day here in Italy! What is your job, or jobs?

Sarine: I am a simple cadet attempting to work my way into the ranks of the Reaper unit. Sometimes you should be careful what you wish for.

Day Three: May 3rd

Was this your first job? If not, what was your first?

Sarine: This was my first job, it’s been something I’ve been working hard for my entire life.

Day Four: May 4th

And what would be your dream job?

Sarine: My dream job was always to be a Reaper but now….now I just don’t know.

Day Five: May 5th

Is your occupation unionized?

Sarine: No, what you get is what you get, that’s just how it is.

Day Six: May 6th

Are you well paid in your employment?

Sarine: Oh yes. My job is one of the most dangerous and because of that the pay is more than most families throughout the country make in a year. I’m not proud of how life is for some, I didn’t know until it was already too late. I just want to make it through this and help.

Day Seven: May 7th

What’s a personal pet peeve?

Sarine: When my books are touched and put out of order, or when there isn’t enough icing on my cinnamon bun. Most of all though, womanizers

?: Why do I feel like that’s a jab at me?

Sarine: I have no idea what you mean~

Week two

Told from the perspective of the antagonist.

Day Eight: May 8th

So! Tell us who you are now!

?: Greetings, I am known as Crow. I am the leader of the rebellion and have founded the organization known as Lullaby.

Day Nine: May 9th

You gotta live somehow! How do you earn a living?

Crow: I have my ways, that’s all I’m going to say on the matter. However, I would like to point out that the buildings we occupy are often abandoned and my followers are the common people, farmers, seamstresses, and so on. Our basic needs are often covered but I have the means to provide anything else that is needed.

Sarine: He means weapons!

Crow: Now Sarine, it’s my turn to talk this week. Why do you always do this?

Sarine: Because I don’t want you infecting other people with your words.

Crow: Like you?

Sarine: ….

Day Ten: May 10th

Is it your choice job?

Crow: It’s as far from the job I wanted as a child as it could be but it’s fitting nonetheless.

Day Eleven: May 11th

Are you a workaholic or a slacker?

Crow: I would say I’m a workaholic, but it depends on who you ask I suppose. My brother would certainly say I’m a slacker despite that everything I do is in the name of our goals.

Day Twelve: May 12th

Do you have a lot of people working for you?

Crow: *smirk* Oh yes, most definitely. When you’re in charge of an entire rebellion the weight of an entire nation can rest on your shoulders but when your people are as passionate about the cause as you are, that weight is shared.

Day Thirteen: May 13th

How does dealing with the MC affect your work life?

Crow: I wouldn’t say that Sarine affects my work life at all. She always seems to be there but it’s never hindered my plans. I dare say that I’m constantly in her way though.

Day Fourteen: May 14th

What’s the best way you have to pass a day off?

Crow: I rather enjoy fishing out in the woods. It allows me to focus on building my patience while also providing food.

Week Three

Told from the perspective of a side character.

Day fifteen: May 15th

You’re up now, introduce yourself!

?: The name is Yessica Kahane, I’m only here because of Sarine.

Day Sixteen: May 16th

What do you do for a living?

Yessica: I made it out of the third exam so I’m in the military and I’m lucky I even made it this far.

Day Seventeen: May 17th

What are you job hazards?

Yessica: I sit behind a desk all day! The only hazards I face are paper cuts and running out of paper clips.

?: Yessica, where is that report on third squad’s last mission?

Yessica: Oh yeah, and headaches, I get a lot of those. Well duty calls.

Day Eighteen: May 18th

Is safety in the workplace taken seriously in your world?

Yessica: *dark laugh* Our world is run by the military, sure there’s the royal family but they’re as useful as shit on a shoe-

Me: Language, Yessica.

Yessica: *rolls eyes* Carrying on. The military runs this place and sure they say they care about safety but the fact of the matter is, we’re all replaceable. It’s rare to find someone who actually gives a damn when you take a bullet.

Day Nineteen: May 19th

Is there meritocracy in your work or is it leaning towards favoritism?

Yessica: We’re a military so I guess that would mean a meritocracy but there’s bound to be favoritism.

Day Twenty: May 20th

Do you think you’ll get a promotion this year?

Yessica: With as much work as I do around here, I better get a damn promotion! This unit would fall apart without me, that has to count for something.

?: I apologize for Yessica, she has a lot of anger inside.

Yessica: Oh bite me!

Day Twenty-One: May 21st

Do you think you need to be promoted to main character of the book?

Yessica: Are you kidding me? That’s the last place I would want to be! I’ve seen the hell Sarine goes through. No thanks, I’ve been through enough, she can keep her place at the top but she better know she has friends who have her back.

Sarine: I feel a mingled sense of annoyance and complete happiness.

?: Yessica is good for that.

Week Four

Told from the perspective of a background character.

Day twenty-two: May 22nd

Hello there! Tell us who you are!

?: My name is Miyu Takagi, it’s very nice to meet you. My father holds a seat on the counsel meaning I could have lived an easy life but I still elected to join the military with hopes of entering the Winged Unit. I just want to help as many people as I can.

Day twenty-three: May 23rd

How is the job market in your world?

Miyu: There aren’t a great deal of occupation options. Unless you want to be a farmer or traveler you’re only left with a shopkeeper or a member of the military. Joining the military would give you the most variety in what you want to do but if that doesn’t interest you then being a farmer would be best because that’s always in demand.

Day twenty-four: May 24th

Is your world based on capitalism or some other system?

Miyu: Within the cities the economy is based on capitalism but once you reach the villages or even some of the smaller countries then the economy revolves around bartering.

Day twenty-five: May 25th

Are there any social security measures in place?

Miyu: I’ve never heard of this term so I can only assume that our society hasn’t yet adopted this.

Day twenty-six: May 26th

Do you have a lot of career opportunities in your job?

Miyu: I want to join the Winged Unit, this is the unit dedicated to medical care. There are a variety of paths you can choose to follow but first you must chose which direction you want to follow, physical care, mental care, or experimental care. Once you decide which direction you want to follow then you can research which path you want to follow within your field. My direction is physical care and the path I’ve chosen is general care doctor but I would also like to try surgical doctor as well later in life.

Day twenty-seven: May 27th

How did you get your current job?

Miyu: It wasn’t easy. First I had to convince my father to allow me to apply for the academy but once I was in things became harder. Most of the cadets had been training for the academy their entire lives so I was behind but what I lacked in physical strength I made up for in mental strength. I had to train twice as hard to build my physical strength and even then I only just made the cut.

Day twenty-eight: May 28th

How many days do you have left before retirement?

Miyu: I will never retire.

Week Five

Told from the perspective of characters.

Day twenty-nine: May 29th

MC & ANTAG: Would you have been friends in another life?

Sarine: Absolutely not!

Crow: Oh, I think we would be.

Sarine: Like I would ever be friends with you.

Crow: This is in another life after all.

Sarine: No matter how many lives I live, I will always hate you.

Crow: You don’t even know me.

Sarine: I know enough.

Crow: Do you?

Day thirty: May 30th

SIDE CHAR & BG CHAR: Which one of you would lose a drinking contest?

Yessica: *looks at Miyu*

Miyu: *looking at Yessica* Well of course I would be the one to lose! I’ve never even had any alcohol.

Yessica: You’re adorable.

Day thirty-one: May 31st

ALL: Time to start tanning! Who burns first? Who does the first dip? And who brings the drinks?

Crow: *looks at each of the ladies* I would have to say that either Sarine or Miyu would burn first.

Yessica: I vote Sarine.

Miyu: Sarine.

Sarine: I’m not that pale!

Yessica: You put ghosts to shame.

Sarine: Oh bite me.

Yessica: No thanks, you look like the vampire not me.

Sarine: Who would dip first?

Miyu: Oh I would! I love to swim.

Crow: I would rather fish than swim.

Yessica: Well I’m the one bringing the drinks, obviously.

Sarine: I would rather be reading on the beach.

Yessica: Which is how you burn, while Miyu is swimming.

See you all next week where we carry on with the Characters Tell for July!



© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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