Hey there everyone!
Here we are upon the next batch of the Characters Tell hashtag for July. This lovely game comes from the Characters Tell hashtag over on Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/characterstell)
Week One
Told from the perspective of the Main Character.
Day 1: July 1st
We’re back on track! Introduce yourself, your book, and your author to us!
?: Hello again. My name is still Sarine Rivermount and I am still trapped in what feels like a never ending rebellion because my author here doesn’t know the meaning of the word mercy.
Day 2: July 2nd
Summer is here! Do you like it? Or do you prefer the colder seasons?
Sarine: I prefer Spring most of all.
?: Only because of your birthday.
Sarine: Stay out of it Elric! Spring is my favorite season because it’s not overly hot but it is warmer than autumn and cooler than summer. I also enjoy the flowers that Spring brings.
Day 3: July 3rd
Are you fond of the seaside?
Sarine: My family once took a trip to one of the ports though I was so young I can hardly remember it. Akasha says that I fell into one of the ponds and cried so I guess I didn’t enjoy myself all that much.
Day 4: July 4th
Have you ever had a summer fling?
Sarine: *blushes*
Elric: *throws an arm around Sarine and laughs* Sarine here hasn’t even had her first kiss yet, let alone a fling of all things!
Sarine: Go away!
Day 5: July 5th
Does the heat make you friskier than usual?
Sarine: No, it doesn’t If anything the heat makes me more irritable because I have to do hours of training in it.
Day 6: July 6th
Do you get vacations in your job?
Sarine: The military does get vacation time though I doubt I would ever take one unless I was forced.
Day 7: July 7th
Do you have any weird food for the hot seasons?
Sarine: I like frozen watermelon on hotter days. Everyone else thinks it’s strange so I guess you could call it weird.
Week Two
Told from the perspective of the Antagonist.
Day 8: July 8th
It’s your turn! Tell us who you are!
?: I am Crow, the mastermind behind the rebellion.
Day 9: July 9th
Do you prefer the summer days or the summer nights?
Crow: I prefer the summer nights. Night is always better for surprise attacks.
Day 10: July 10th
Are you more keen to wilderness or comfy resorts?
Crow: I am definitely more fond of the wilderness. I prefer taking care of myself rather than living in luxury.
Day 11: July 11th
What are your survivalist skills?
Crow: I’m an excellent fisher and hunter, I leave the gathering to my brother although I’m not half bad at it. Kaspar were once forced to live in the forest so we’re quire skilled from most things like gathering food, finding the best places to make shelter, and even fashioning some kinds of weapons.
Kaspar: Let’s not talk about those times.
Crow: The past has helped us become who we are today, embrace it.
Day 12: July 12th
Have you ever hunted your own meals?
Crow: There was a point in time when the only way we would eat is if we hunted our own food. It was difficult at first, we were only children, but in the end life is always kill or be killed.
Day 13: July 13th
Do you have a summer home?
Crow: I do not. Technically I don’t even have an actual home. I reside within the walls of Lullaby and given that we are never in one place for too long, better to avoid the military, it’s difficult to have one home let alone more.
Day 14: July 14th
What’s your perfect summer day like?
Crow: My perfect summer day and my perfect day off are the same. A basket of food with me as I spend the day fishing.
Week Three
Told from the perspective of a Side Character.
Day 15: July 15th
Hello there! Tell us who you are!
?: The name is Arrian Greyhorn. I lead the eleventh squad of the Iknellian base.
Day 16: July 16th
What’s the perfect summer party for you?
Arrian: The perfect summer party to me is one where I can actually relaxing without the potential for an attack. In other words, my perfect party will never happen.
?: Come now, don’t be like that.
Day 17: July 17th
Do you sunburn easily?
Arrian: Rivermount! What’s the meaning of this?
Sarine: It isn’t like I told them you were bald. It’s just a fun little question. You better answer or she’ll *points to me* make life worse.
Arrian: Fine. Yes I burn easily, I happen to be bald so my head burns very easily. Not only that but I do have a tan however I have to burn first in order to get that tan.
Day 18: July 18th
Do you like to swim close to the shores or in deep waters?
Arrian: We don’t do much work near the water, There’s another base for that. I used to be stationed at that base before all hell broke loose and I always stuck near the shore. I’ve seen more than my fair share of people lose to the water and I wasn’t about to be one of them.
Day 19: July 19th
Do you or anyone you know pilot a boat?
Arrian: I’m sure I could handle a boat thanks to my time at the eastern base but other than those currently stationed there I don’t know anyone who could handle one.
Day 20: July 20th
Are you scared of sharks or other sea creatures?
Arrian: I wouldn’t call it fear but I definitely respect the creatures of the waters and am extremely cautious of them.
?: Yeah right, you’re afraid of them *laughing*
Day 21: July 21st
What did you do last summer?
Arrian: I went on an expedition and managed to eliminate one of the Lullaby branches.
Week Four
Told from the perspective of a Background Character.
Day 22: July 22nd
You’re up! Tell us who you are!
?: My brother has already introduced me. I am Kaspar, the second in command of Lullaby.
Day 23: July 23rd
Is vacation a cultural thing there?
Kaspar: I suppose you could call it that. The people of the Central City have the option to go on vacation while those of us not so lucky to live there or even along the wall, must fight for survival.
Day 24: July 24th
What’s a commonly known vacation spot in your world?
Kaspar: The citizens of the Central City like going to the west hills and on occasion the seaside. For people like my brother and I we simply enjoy going to the lakes or rivers from time to time.
Day 25: July 25th
Do you manage to go to expensive places?
Kaspar: *bitter laugh* all funding goes to the rebellion, we don’t have time to be wasting resources like that.
Day 26: July 26th
Does your job give you some time off?
Kaspar: I’m sure if I asked my brother for some personal time he would be more than willing to grant me some but I would rather place all my time and efforts into the rebellion. I’ll relax to my hearts content once we’ve taken over.
Day 27: July 27th
Any places to go on vacation that aren't family friendly in your world?
Kaspar: I don’t know where the Central City residents go but for people like Lullaby we go to the City of Sacrifice. You can find anything there for the right price, whether that be money, innocence, a limb, or the flesh. Definitely not family friendly but we get a lot of support from there.
Day 28: July 28th
Are there any sort of summer celebrations in your world?
Kaspar: There is only one that my people celebrate and that is the Solstice Celebration but I do believe the people of the Central City celebrate at least two more
Told from the perspective of everyone.
Day 29: July 29th
MG & ANTAG: Who is the most likely to drown? Who to save the other?
Crow: *looking at Sarine*
Sarine: pfft I am not going to be the one to drown.
Crow: How much time have you spent in or even near the water?
Sarine: -_-
Crow: Exactly. Therefore you are the most likely of us to drown but I shall save you.
Day 30: July 30th
SIDE CHAR. & BG CHAR.: Who’s bringing the guitar to the beach? Who the beers?
Kaspar: I don’t know how to play the guitar.
Arrian: Well I’m bringing the booze so that leaves you with the guitar.
Kaspar: I live in a pub, I think I’m the most likely to bring the alcohol.
Arrian: Where did you say you lived?
Kaspar: *slightly panicked* You bring the drinks and I’ll bring the guitar.
Day 31: July 31st
ALL: Beach party! Where do we find you next morning?
Arrian: Passed out on the beach.
Kaspar: Most likely asleep in a tree.
Arrian: How the hell did you get in a tree?
Kaspar: I like high places when I drink.
Crow: I’ll be sleeping in a hammock with one foot that’s missing a show hanging over the edge.
Sarine: What happened to your shoe?
Crow: Judging from the past I’ll have taken it off to throw it at Kaspar to hopefully knock him down.
Kaspar: It has yet to work.
Arrian: The two of you are strange.
Sarine: I’ll either be reading in a beach chair or cooking breakfast.
That’s a wrap for this week. I’ll see you all next time!