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Author Confession

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and a most happy Friday to you all!!

We’re in the second week of Preptober now and things around here have been busy. Today I want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of work to do an Author Confession. The #AuthorConfession tag was created by @jmsullivanbooks ( and @jjulienauthor ( on Twitter.

Day One - 10/1

Welcome! Introduce yourself with your favorite scary/Halloween movie!

Hey there everyone! I am Brianna and my favorite Halloween movies are The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus. My favorite scary movie is A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Fun fact, about a year ago I actually lived on an Elm street.

Day Two - 10/2

Drop a pic or GIF showing how adventurous your WIP is!

Day Three - 10/3

If you were a dragon, what color would you and your fire be?

This is a hard question because of all the options but I think I would be a black dragon with purple flames. Basically Toothless from the How To Train Your Dragon series.

Day Four - 10/4

Who is your MC’s knight in shining armor?

If we’re talking in the romantic sense then her knight would be Elric but if we’re talking about an actual savior then her knight would be Arrian but for the most part Sarine is her own knight.

Day Five - 10/5

What gemstone best represents your antagonist?

I would have to say that either Garnet or Black Onyx would best suit Crow.

Day Six - 10/6

How are you going to take care of yourself today?

I’ll be taking care of myself today by planning out a new exercise routine and trying a new miso soup. I also bought a new moisturizer that I’m absolutely in love with.

Day Seven - 10/7

Describe your entire WIP in 5 words or less.

Shit goes down.

Day Either - 10/8

Which classic monster (Frankenstein, Dracula, etc) best describes you on a bad day?

On a bad day I would say that I am most like Dracula. I hate the sun, I shy away from people, I just want to lay down, and most of all I want a tasty treat to cheer me up.

Day Nine - 10/9

Share a chilling line you’ve written lately!

“I’m scared.” Miyu confessed, her hand finding Sarine’s in the dark.

Day Ten - 10/10

Using only emojis, show us how your last writing session went.


Day Eleven - 10/11

Friendly Friday!

What can we (as a community) do to help you be successful?

I honestly have no idea how to answer this other than follow me along my journey and I shall follow you on yours.

Day Twelve - 10/12

What are three things that represent your author brand?




Day Thirteen - 10/13

Which Hogwarts house(s) represent you the best?

I am a very proud Slytherin but my secondary house would most likely be Ravenclaw.

Day Fourteen - 10/14

What motivates YOU the most?

What motivates me the most is wanting to make my dream of becoming a published author come true. To one day be able to hold my book with the knowledge that I CAN do it.

Day Fifteen - 10/15


How’re you doing?

At the current moment Reaper stands at 40,300 words. Everything I’m doing during October is in preparation for NaNoWriMo so I’m not doing any writing so my word count is going to grow until November.

Day Sixteen - 10/16

What would your MC be doing in a graveyard at midnight?

Mourning her lost comrades.

Day Seventeen - 10/17

Share an aesthetic, drawing, or inspiration for your MC.

Day Eighteen - 10/18

What would your tombstone epitaph say?

Don’t worry about her becoming a zombie, she’s too short to reach up six feet.

Day Nineteen - 10/19

Do you prefer book covers with people or without?

I prefer them without though it doesn’t really make any difference on whether or not I’ll read the book. I just find books more visually pleasing without people on the cover though I do rather like silhouettes.

Day Twenty - 10/20

Show us something unique about you, your life, or where you live!

For those curious as to why I used a picture of my husband, it is because he is the most unique and wonderful thing in my life.

Day Twenty-One - 10/21

What are you currently reading or recently read?

I am currently reading two books, one for enjoyment and the other for craft.

The books are....

A Court For Thieves by Morgan Rice


Write Good or Die which is a writing compilation.

Day Twenty-Two - 10/22

Share a GIF or PIC of your favorite writing weather!

Day Twenty-Three - 10/23

What does your antagonist pass out for Trick-or-Treaters?

Crow cares deeply for his people and he would want to make the event something for everyone to enjoy so I think he would pass out a bit of everything.

Day Twenty-Four - 10/24

Who/What haunts your MC?

For Sarine it’s both a who and a what that haunts her. She is haunted by the memory of every person she has seen die, friend and for alike but she is also haunted by the thought of Crow.

Day Twenty-Five - 10/25

Happy Bday!

Let’s celebrate by shouting out your most SPOOKTACULAR people using the SPOOKY chain!

I’m pretty sure this is just a follow chain so please go and check out these awesome people over on Twitter!






Day Twenty-Six - 10/26

What scares you the most as an author?

What scares me the most as an author is not being good enough. I fear that my work is complete trash and I’m wrong for wanting to share it with the world. However, I also fear becoming too big and ending up like J. K. Rowling. I know the odds of that happening are astronomical but I don’t think I could handle that.

I am a happy little ball of self-contradiction.

Day Twenty-Seven - 10/27

What terrifies your antagonist?

Crow is terrified of losing his brother and the woman he loves. Were he to lose either of them he would come undone and so he must protect them whatever the cost.

Day Twenty-Eight - 10/28

Describe your writing style as a candy!

This is a difficult question. Either a jaw breaker or sour patch kid because both have changing flavors much like the feelings my work leaves you with.

Day Twenty-Nine - 10/29

What is the best costume you’ve ever worn/seen?

The best costume I’ve worn was Scooby-Doo the Halloween I was 6. The best costume I’ve seen? I don’t really know, maybe the guy and his son dressed as werewolves at the roller rink when I was 13.

Day Thirty - 10/30

Drop a pic or GIF of your MC’s costume this year!

Day Thirty-One - 10/31

Happy Halloween!

On a scale of 1-10. How much sugar are you indulging on tonight?

Possibly a 4. Most of the candy I’ll be gathering between this day and the next will be my NaNoWriMo candy stash.

That’s a wrap for another round of Author Confession. By the time I do this again we’ll be in the middle of NaNoWriMo, I’m all too curious to find out what next month’s game has in store~

Until next week my lovelies!

~*~ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ~*~

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