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10 Writing Tips

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Hello and a very happy Friday to you all! 

With Camp NaNoWriMo right around the corner I thought this week would be a good time to go over some writing tips. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of writing tips popping up everywhere so I just wanted to take the time to share some of them and my opinions on them. 


I agree that reading is beneficial when it comes to writing, as it can help you better understand the art. Now what I don’t agree with is those who claim that if you don’t read traditionally, meaning hardback and paperback books, then it does not count as “real” reading. I don’t think it is anyone’s place to say what is or isn’t “real” reading because people have reasons for reading in the ways they do. For some traditional reading is their cup of tea, while for others it might be e-readers, audiobooks, or even Braille books that works best for them, why do people feel the need to discredit other forms of reading that aren’t their preference? The fact of the matter is that regardless of what form it takes, reading is reading and we should all enjoy it. 

Write the antagonist first so that the hero is up to the task

I don’t necessarily agree with this but that’s because for me the plot always comes first and with it the simultaneous appearance of my heroine (I haven’t yet created a male MC) and antagonist so I can’t properly judge this. However I do know that a majority of people create their heroes/heroines first so maybe this advice just isn’t for everyone but I imagine it would work for some people.  

Write every day

This is something else I don’t agree with. Not everyone lives a life where they are able to sit down to write and are left grabbing writing time whenever they can spare it. I know writing every day is supposed to help build a writing habit but life doesn’t always work that way. 

Read out loud to yourself 

This is definitely one I can agree with being that whenever I’m stuck and say a sentence or paragraph out loud it always helps fix the problem. The defense people try to use for this is that they don’t want to look stupid or insane, my response is that you don’t have to shout it for the entire coffee shop to hearing but even whispering it to yourself can help move things along.

Be gentle with your first draft 

I cannot personally agree with this. I don’t think you should be gentle on the first draft, I think the first draft should contain all your blood, sweat, and tears. In other words, all the things that are never gentle. Once you have poured everything into that first draft, every grammatical error, every unnecessary word, and every plot hole you step away and when you return you bring a boiling cauldron of editing with you to turn that story into the masterpiece it is destined to be. 

You should however, be gentle on yourself because “the first draft is just you telling yourself the story” (Terry Pratchett). All those grammatical errors, unnecessary words, and plot holes can and will be fixed so there’s no reason to beat yourself up over every detail. Each mistake doesn’t make you any less of a writer.

It isn’t the final draft, it’s only the first. 

Write first from the heart, then edit from the head

This I fully agree with and supports what I said in the tip above. You shouldn’t worry about what the rest of the world is going to think or fret over every detail, “the first draft is just you telling yourself the story” (Terry Pratchett). Editing will come later but your first focus should be getting the story out then when you do return to edit it, that’s when you go through it with a fine tooth comb. 

Bad writing is better than no writing

I’ve been seeing so many people saying that they’ve gotten words out for the day but they’re all bad and that is why I agree with this tip whole heartedly. It’s okay to have bad words (secret: my entire seventh chapter consists of bad words) but the important thing is that you have those words. “You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” (Jodi Picoult). It doesn’t matter if the words are good, bad, or unnecessary, editing exists for a reason and so long as you have those words you are that much closer to achieving your dream. 

Don't write for them, write for you

When it comes to this tip I’m split down the middle. On one hand I don’t like it because no one wants to write a book that nobody but them will enjoy. While on the other hand you shouldn’t write a book that brings you misery but you know people will love. I guess to a point I can agree with this because your feelings on the story are what matter the most. 

Take care of yourself as much as your writing

This one is extremely important and I fully agree with it. Most writers seem under the impression that it’s the norm to turn caffeine into its own food group and to look like a raccoon makes you one of the cool kids. Both of these statements are wrong, too much caffeine is bad for you and sleep depreciation is extremely unhealthy no matter how cute raccoons are. 

It’s important to remember that eating a balanced diet, keeping up with personal hygiene, and getting a good night’s sleep will help you to be a better and more productive writer. We all know that writing is important, to those of us in the Writing Community that is, but you are just as important as your writing and you need to take care of yourself as much as you take care of your wiring. 

Take your time

I saved what I feel is the most important tip for last, obviously meaning I agree with this little tip. 

There is no race to the finish line, to secret formula to get you there faster. Everyone reaches end at their own pace and it’s important to remember that you are no less of a writer just because you see others cross the finish line before you. Take things at your own pace in order to make your book baby into a work of art. After all, you can’t rush perfection. 

These are just some of the many tips I have come across this week but there in plenty more advice out there. Please keep in mind that your writing depends on what works for you, just because something worked for A or B doesn’t mean it will work for you. There’s a never ending well of resources for you to discover. Everyone is different and you should take advantage of that. 

~*~ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ~*~


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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