Hello and a very happy Friday to you all!
Over the past few months I’ve been compiling Monday Mixer questions from the Twitter hashtag for this post. I’m not exactly sure who created this hashtag so I can’t tag them but I encourage you to give it a try.
Being that yesterday was my birthday I thought getting to know me as an author would be a great way to celebrate!
And so without further ado....
Would you survive if you lived in your WIPs world?
I am visually impaired and also epileptic, given that my WIP takes place in a rebellion ridden country the only way I would survive would be if I were to have a simple life rather than join the military and even then my survival isn’t guaranteed.
What are your tips for handling critical feedback of your writing?
I don’t have any tips for dealing with critical feedback because I’m still learning to deal with it myself.
Are any of your characters based on real people?
I have come to realize that Elric bares some likeness to the way my husband behaved when he was younger. I only realized this three years ago when re-working the outline for Reaper.
Using only emojis, tell us the plot of your book.
Introduce yourself and tell us how long you’ve been writing!
As you all know I am Brianna. I have been writing since the age of eleven although I have only been writing as a career since I was eighteen.
When you’re a published author, would you rather have readers do fan fiction or character art?
Being that I discovered my passion for writing through fanfiction I would love for my readers to write fanfiction.
Which character in your WIP will readers FALL for, and why?
As far as Reaper goes I imagine that people will fall for Ekon the most because he is a truly good man.
Introduce yourself and tell us WHY you write!
I am Brianna and I write because I wish to tell stories that allow people to escape reality at least for a little while. My greatest wish for my writing is for my work to help those the way so many stories have helped me.
Jumping into revising a chapter what’s the hardest part?
The hardest part of revising for me is trying to decide which parts aren’t exactly necessary for the story to work. In other words, cutting the fat off the story.
Describe your WIP as a fall dessert!
A thick dessert combining tart and sweet flavors making you want more.
Do you use a beat sheet when writing? Or wing it? What’s your approach to story structure?
I use three different outlines, one that holds major plot points, a skeletal outline that has chapter breakdowns, and a scene builder outline. I have tried to “wing it” but it just wasn’t for me.
Introduce yourself and tell us what draft of your WIP your on!
I am Brianna, I am nearly finished with the first draft of Reaper though it is also the fourth version of the story I have worked with.
What’s something you love about the last scene you wrote?
I wouldn’t call it love but I certainly like the way I described the gruesome scene that I last wrote.
Does your WIP have a theme song? Share!
Reaper’s theme song is “Drag Me to the Grave” by Black Veil Brides.
Trick or Treat! What’s the trickiest part of writing for you?
The trickiest part of writing for me is being able to sit down and actually writing the story. I can outline and edit quite easily but for some reason I seem to have troubles sitting and writing the story though I am getting better at it.
How do you select the names of your characters?
Sometimes I come up with the names on my own while other times I turn to baby name websites to try and choose names that are just right for my characters.
Introduce yourself and give us 5 things that are in your book!
I am Brianna and five things that is in my book are....
1. Love
2. Rebellion
3. Friendship
4. Blood
5. Mystery
Starting a new year often feels like a fresh start. Share a QUOTE that sums up your vibes for 2020!
“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.” - St. Jerome
I feel like “games” such as this are important. They have the effect of making everyone seem a little more human and it also reminds everyone that we’re all going through the same struggles.
Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me!
Until next week.
~*~ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ~*~