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July Writerly WIP Chat

Writer's picture: Brianna ThompsonBrianna Thompson

Hello and welcome back on this wonderful Friday!

In June I brought a new hashtag game to my blog, something that allows you to get to know both me and my WIP better. I enjoyed it so much that I thought I would keep at it to spice up the blog a little bit. This hashtag game is called WriterlyWIPChat and can be found over on Twitter.

You can find this game over on the WriterlyWIPChat Twitter page (

So without further ado, here we go!

Day 1

Welcome players old and new! Introduce yourself to the group!

Hello all! My name is Brianna~

Day 2

Time for WIP intros! Tell us a bit about what you’re working on!

My current WIP is a pirate tale of adventure and love. Unfortunately it is still untitled but I’m starting to play with some working titles.

Day 3

How would you celebrate a milestone like a book or movie contract?

I would like to say I would go out and celebrate in some way but in all honesty I would most likely be battling my anxiety over whether or not people were actually going to enjoy it.

Day 4

It’s BBQ time! What does your MC indulge in?

Rory would have corn on the cob, baked beans, and a cheeseburger. For dessert he would have fruit salad.

Day 5

What holidays factor into your WIP?

I don’t have any holidays that factor into my WIP. Of course holidays exist in the world but they don’t play a role at all.

Day 6

What are your characters’ favorite holiday foods?

Rory loves roast turkey, broccoli, mashed potatoes, and gravy with dinner rolls and a nice wine. His favorite holiday dessert is the pineapple cake his mother cooks.

Day 7


How do you find the line between too little and too much?

I find a balance by weaving bits and pieces throughout the entire story. Bigger parts are given through relevant dialogue. I’ve never really had an issue with balancing information, and for that I know I’m one of the lucky ones.

Day 8

Something you like about your characters that’s not necessarily the popular opinion.

Given that people are more accepting these days I don’t know if this is necessarily an unpopular thing but I know some people will still have negative views.

Rory is gay and is also a cross dresser. He cross dresses as a coping mechanism which first began when he lost his sister. I like that he knows who he is and even though his parents sent him to doctors to try and “cure” him of this before finally accepting him, he is who he is. He also understands most people wouldn’t accept him for it so he does tend to keep it to himself.

Day 9

If you handwrite your story, how would you get it into digital?

I haven’t handwritten anything aside from notes or to-do lists in years because of being visually impaired so I have an app on my iPad that allows me to scan things into a digital form so that’s what I would use.

Day 10

What’s your method of keyboarding?

(eg. hunt and peck, furious pounding, or other.)

I like to think of my keyboarding as more like my version of playing the piano because of the way my fingers glide over and hit the keys. My siblings used to love watching me type when I lived at home, though it does freak my little sister out that I can type without looking at the keyboard or even at the screen.

Day 11

Your story setting: Are they inspired by real places or totally fictional?

The only setting that’s inspired by a real place is the mainland which I like to think of as something like 1700s - 1800s England. Everywhere else is purely fictional.

Day 12

Time to relax.

What does your MC do to unwind?

Rory enjoys reading, he is a scholar after all. Unfortunately for him, there isn’t really much time to unwind at the moment.

Day 13

How old will your MC be on their next birthday?

Rory will be 25 on his next birthday while Ansel, his love interest will be 31.

Day 14

What does your MC wish for when they blow out their birthday candle?

I can’t tell you, otherwise it wouldn’t come true.

Day 15

Share a line from your WIP or make one up!

“I think I might like having you around, Sir Scholar.” Captain Ansel said with a chuckle.

Day 16

If you had to publish your WIP right now, as is, how many stars would you rate it?

After I finished crying, I might rate it a one. It has a compelling plot but I’m only finishing up with the first arc and it leaves a lot to be wanted.

Day 17

Make a #FF list with emoji reasons!


Day 18

If you could dedicate July to something, what would it be?

(eg. National Stupid Writing Qs Month)

National Videogame Month


National I’m Done With This Shit Month

Day 19

Make up a holiday and tell us how people celebrate it!

The Endless Night

A holiday taking place on the longest night of the year celebrated with festivals honoring the Goddess of the Sky.

Day 20

How often do you print out your manuscripts?

(eg. every draft, when done, never...)

I don’t. I’m sure once I reach the point of querying for agents or sending it out with hopes of being published I will but for now there’s no point since i wouldn’t be able to see it.

Day 21

Whatcha reading?

I’m currently reading the first book in the Vampire Academy series and seeing as I just finished the ninth book in the Beautiful Demons series I plan on starting the tenth book.

Day 22

Do you edit as you go, or push through that first draft?

I used to edit as I went but then I realized it was hindering me from progressing so now I power through the first draft. I do make notes in a separate doc of edits I want to make to a chapter but I just keep moving forward.

Day 23

Is anyone getting hitched in your WIP?

Actually yes. It isn’t any of the main cast but Rory’s ex-boyfriend’s brother is getting married. Rory and Ansel end up attending the engagement party.

Day 24

How much effort/detail would your MC put into planning a wedding?

Rory wouldn’t want anything extravagant, the simpler the better. That’s not to say he wouldn’t put as much effort as possible into it trying to make it perfect.

Day 25

We’re looking for #SummerReads!

Have any suggestions?

Unfortunately my focus has been writing and will be for the next couple of months so I don’t have any recommendations to share this time.

Day 26

Show us some good times!

This is a photo of me and four of my siblings from my Fourth of July trip. It’s one of my favorite photos of us.

(I’m the one dead center)

Day 27

Do your specify when your WIP is set or do you prefer to keep it vague and timeless?

All I really mention is that Autumn is approaching. In my head the story takes place in mid to late August but I never really specify.

Day 28


How is your WIP coming along since the beginning of the month?

July has been one of the roughest month’s this year. Because of this I’ve only managed to write 5,000 words throughout Camp NaNoWriMo. This brings my total up to 20,000 so I’m still proud and I’m also still on track to finish this book when I originally planned to.

Day 29

Assuming they sleep in one, what motivates you MC to get out of bed in the morning?

Poppy is usually the one to come and wake Rory up in the morning so she is normally his motivation.

Day 30

How long does it take your MC to get ready to go out to a party?

It would take him no time at all because he wouldn’t be going out to a party. Rory isn’t the partying type.

Day 31

How do you know when you’re done a WIP?

I’m a plotter so I know when my WIP is done when I run out of outline to reference.

That was more fun than the one in June. I feel very good about keeping up with this hashtag game. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

This week is the last post of the month. Tomorrow we’re jumping right into August. Is it just me or is this year just flying by?

Until next week!

✿ Happy reading and writing to all and to all a good day ✿


© 2019 by Brianna Thompson

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